Sonntag, 14. November 2010

Last Week in Gold Coast...

It's so sad... It's the end of semester and the series of goodbyes started. I had to see a few lovely people off already and it will continue... :(
Time passed by too quickly, I can't believe the time with my newfound friends is coming to an end. Everyone will go their seperate ways in a few days, heading back to their countries or starting/continuing their journey through the world. I'm getting all emotional, haha.
I will try to enjoy my last days with everyone here as much as I can.
If there wouldn't be those stupid final exams...!
There is one thing that I will definitely not miss in Australia: Uni. University here is stupid!

But well, tomorrow is my last exam, trying to study right now actually...without success :D
Just to get some distraction, some thoughts to share with you. And some random pics from paradise.

 Burleigh Heads

Stradbroke Island

Weihnachtsstimmung pur bei Sonnenschein am Strand!

Montag, 8. November 2010

My newfound love for animals

Evidence pictures:

My favourite

Freitag, 5. November 2010

Fraser Island - Day 2 & 3

Champagne Pools

Indian Head

Just hanging

Lake Wabby

Our Group

With  Dominic & Julia


Fraser Island - Day 1

On Monday we woke up early to prepare our car with food and camping equipment for the next three days. Afterwards we started our tour!
First with the ferry over the ocean. It took only 15 minutes.

We arrived on the biggest sand island and drove along the coast first for a while first. It was amazing. We took our lunch and walked through a rainforest but the highlight was the Lake Mckenzie. It's one of the many fresh water lakes there with crystakl clear water. Beautiful! Sky was cloudy though, it would have looked so much cooler with the sun shining...

The water in there is supposed to clean jewellery. Don't know if it's true ^^

For the night we set up our camp at the beach. Sounds romantic and nice but sand was everywhere, no toilet, no shower and dingoes everywhere. The dingoes on Fraser are the purest, e.g. not cross-breeds with domestic dogs. They are related to dogs. As tourists kept feeding them, they became lazy to hunt and started stealing food from the tourists. Because of that they came very close to our camp from time to time to look for food. They can be aggressive when provoking them, our guides told us to not show fear. Haha, good advice for me...of course I was scared! There has been attacks from the dingoes in the past, so better not come near them...

Our camp

Cooking dinner

Carlo Sandblow - Rainbow Beach

On Sunday we drove to Rainbow Beach to start our tour to Fraser Island! We had to attend an orientation meeting at our hostel in Rainbow and slept there for a night before we went to the island.
At sunset we went to a sand dune called sandblow. It was amazing...